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flyPad Failures


Although far from complete, some A32NX systems are already capable of simulating failures.

To manage and trigger these failures, this flyPad page gives the user structured access to two types of systems:

  • Simple on demand triggering of failures by mouse click.
  • A more complex failure generator that can be customized to create failures at certain points during your flight for a more "randomized" feel. Jump to Failure Generator.

There are further extensions planned for the failures feature, incl. more systems and trigger-based failures. This page will therefore change alongside the implementation of the failure system.

On Demand Failures

Comfort View

Compact View

System View

Active Failure View

When a failure is actively simulated, the system will be highlighted with a red color.

Enter a search term to filter for specific systems.

Failure Generator

-- TODO --

  • Add short overview here
  • add images of each page on the failures page
  • consider moving this back into the regular EFB page

Altitude Failure Generator

This generator triggers a set of failures among the selected failure pool when the airplane reaches a random altitude set between the specified minimum and maximum altitude.

It may be configured either to trigger while the plane climbs or descends.

Speed Failure Generator

This generator triggers a set of failures among the selected failure pool when the airplane reaches a random speed set between the specified minimum and maximum speed.

It may be configured either to trigger while the plane accelerates or decelerates.

Timed Failure Generator

This generator triggers a set of failures among the selected failure pool when the time since the arming of the generator reaches a random delay set between the specified minimum and maximum delay.

  • When configured in the "repeat" or "Once" arming modes, the timer will start right away.
  • When configured in the "Take Off" arming, the timer will start once FL or TOGA thrust is set for the first time.

Probability Over Time Generator

At any moment, this generator may trigger a set of failures among the selected failure pool by using the probability specified through the average number of failure per hour. The mean time to failure (MTTF) is provided as an indication of the delay it may take in average to trigger one failure for the probability of failure per hour. Note: In aviation rates of failure vary between 10e-3 per hour and 10e-9 per hour depending on the criticality of the system. For simulation purposes, it is advised to set this value at a much higher level up to 10e-1 (0.1 failure / hour or 1 failure every 10 hours) in order to experience failures once every simulator session.

Take Off Failure Generator

This generator triggers a set of failures among the selected failure pool with a specified probability at each take off. If a failure will occur during the next take off, it may happen at any moment, during one of these three take off phases:

  • Low speed phase :
    • The take off phase when the plane exceeds the minimum speed and is slower than the low-med transition speed.
  • Medium speed phase :
    • The take off phase when the plane exceeds the low-med transition speed and is slower than the med-high transition speed.
  • High speed & climb phase :
    • The take off phase when the plane exceeds the med-high transition speed and is lower than the specified height above the runway.

The choice between the 3 phases will be random, using the probability of each phase defined in the settings.

Rearming Options

Each generator can be configured in the following 4 modes:

  • OFF : Generator is disabled but settings are kept
  • ONCE : The generator will trigger a set of failures only once and go to OFF mode
  • TAKE OFF : The generator will wait until FL or TOGA thrust is set to arm itself. It will trigger a set of failures only once until another take off event occurs.
  • REPEAT : The generator will trigger a set of failures every time the conditions are met.

Max Failures and Number of Failures

Each generator may define a specific number of failures to be triggered at the same time. The set of failures will activate only if the total number of existing failures already occurring on the plane does not exceed the maximum number of failures before their activation.

Failure Pool Selection

Each failure generator allows to select specifically which failures can be triggered. You may select any combination of failures : individual failures, entire systems or all at once. Only a specified number of failures randomly picked in this set will be triggered by the generator.

You can create several failure generators of the same type so that specific failures may happen at specific conditions different to other sets of failures.

Last update: July 24, 2023